WATCH: Get your Cattle Ready for Summer Grazing
30th March 2022
As the Summer months approach, its time to consider protecting your cattle ahead of the grazing period. With that, we have administration videos for some of our products typically used while cattle are at grass. For more information on any of these products, talk to your vet.
Repidose Bolus
The ideal approach to controlling lungworms, gut worms and stomach worms is to use a wormer that allows some exposure to the worm larvae but kills adult worms before they cause clinical signs of disease.
Repidose bolus provides season long protection. The product’s pulse release mechanism strategically releases a dose of oxfendazole into the animal’s system every 21 days. The pulse release system prevents clinical signs of disease by killing worms every 21 days while at the same time enabling the animal to generate immunity to gut worms and lungworm. With 21 weeks cover the bolus is ideally suited to grass-based systems especially replacement heifers.
Repidose is the only bolus on the market for the prevention and treatment of lungworm, stomach worms and gut worms. The bolus is divided into seven individual compartments or chambers. Every three weeks, a therapeutic dose of the anthelmintic oxfendazole is released into the animal’s gut. This kills worms at all stages of development.
How to use Repidose Bolus
- Target weight at time of administration: 100kg – 400 kg
- Active ingredient: Oxfendazole
- 1 bolus per animal
- Withdrawal periods: Meat & Milk – 7 months. Do not administer to cattle producing milk for human consumption
Full video on the use of Repidose pulse release bolus
Butox Pour On
Mild weather combined with rainfall provides the perfect environment for nuisance flies to multiply. Flies can cause a state of unease in the parlour leading to occasions of flying clusters. Flies can interfere with the grazing routine of cattle and this may cause a reduction in milk and butterfat production. Their impact does not end there, they are all capable of transmitting viruses, bacteria and certain parasites.
Butox PO administration video
How to use Butox Pour-On
- Indicated for the control of flies and lice in cattle.
- Active ingredient: Deltramethrin
- Withdrawal periods: Meat – 18 days. Milk – 12 hours. In dairy herds, we advise to administer after evening milking.
- Pour the dose along the animal’s spine from the base of the head to the tail.
- The person applying should wear gloves.
- For fly control, a single application provides protection for 6 to 10 weeks (depending on the infestation, fly species and weather). If flies remain an issue thereafter, it is advised to repeat the application.

For more information on any of the above products, contact your vet
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Dublin 18, Ireland