
Veterinary practitioner Ronan Gallagher talks about his home flock and how he uses Heptavac P plus

A World of protection ‘Ovilis Vaccines’

Sheep farmers and veterinarians need to work together to determine the best vaccination regime for the farm’s economic well-being. To reach this end, more than just the best vaccines are required. Sheep production and the reduction of disease is vital to ensure the successful operation of sheep farming in Ireland. Ovilis offers veterinary surgeons, farmers and sheep flocks a whole world of protection. The very best vaccines as part of a complete health management system, support services, continuous education and knowledge.

Increasing sheep production

Infectious diseases of sheep are responsible for reduced productivity and consequent economic losses in the sheep production industry. Ovilis vaccines provide comprehensive protection against sheep diseases reducing economic losses.

Supporting sheep vets

MSD Animal Health built this webpage for sheep farmers and veterinarians. The disease section focuses on economically significant diseases in the sheep industry, the vaccines section provides solutions to prevent these diseases and the news section focuses on relevant happenings on infectious diseases.

Find out more about Lameness in Sheep
Find out more about Clostridial Diseases in Sheep
Find out more about Sheep Abortion

Sign up to Bovilis® product and event information

Sheep Video

  • Flies – Nuisance by name, nuisance by nature
    With temperatures slowly on the rise, next on the agenda – fly season. Impact on production and spread of disease Anyone who has worked with cattle during the summer months needs little reminding of the annoyance which flies can cause. They can be responsible for a state of unrest in the parlour for both cows … Read more
  • Reducing Abortion Rates in Your Flock: Enzootic Abortion of Ewes and Toxoplasmosis
    Eleanor Brady, MVB MRCVS, Ruminant Veterinary Manager, MSD Animal Health Many Irish flocks will experience a few abortions each year, but how many abortions is too many? Targets for abortion and overall empty rate are set at <2% and <5% respectively, although many flock owners accept rates higher than this. Approximately one third of lamb … Read more
  • IBR Vaccination of Youngstock
    Helena Madden MVB MRCVS Cert DHH Ruminant veterinary manager MSD Animal Health IBR – Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis Infection with IBR virus is widespread in the cattle population in Ireland, with evidence of exposure in over 70% of herds (both beef and dairy).  It is capable of causing disease (both clinical and subclinical) resulting in significant … Read more

Infectious diseases of sheep are responsible for reduced productivity and consequent economic losses in the sheep production industry