Teagasc Green Acres Calf to Beef Programme
20th March 2020
As part of the Green Acres program, Agriland have constructed a Calf Health and Management series. As part of that series, Suzanne Naughton from MSD Animal Health discussed some of the key challenges when purchasing calves and the role of vaccination throughout the rearing period.
While calf purchase price and the genetics of the calf are foremost in terms of making a profit on calf-to-beef systems, calf health is also a pillar which deserves significant consideration. Focusing on hygiene and vaccination is the best policy to ensuring this happens. Pneumonia and scour are the two major illnesses that compromise calf health and reduce lifetime performance.
Prevention is always better and cheaper than the cure and a health plan should be implemented on-farm. It should be noted that no amount of vaccination can overcome a lack of quality colostrum administered to the calf at birth and the bacterial and viral challenges calves face when the environment they are reared in is not up to scratch.
Check out the full video below for more information. Also, you can find out more about the vaccines mentioned in this video by clicking on them below
– Bovilis INtranasal RSP Live
– Bovipast RSP
– Bovilis IBR Marker Live
Vaccine Management
Remember that correctly administering and storing vaccines is important to improve the success of a vaccination programme.
“Once you get your vaccines, they should be kept in the fridge until you are ready to go with your batch of animals.
“Vaccines should be made up according to the recommendations on the data sheet in the box – all the information on how much to administer and where is on the data sheet provided.
“Start with a clean needle and a clean syringe. If you are using an old dirty needle, you are increasing the likelihood of an abscess or lump developing.”
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MSD Animal Health
Red Oak North, South County Business Park, Leopardstown,
Dublin 18, Ireland